Sunday, May 4, 2008

I am not gone...

I have just been trying to re-access my Jewelry business. I first thought I could just make Jewelry that I love and people would want it...cause its nice and I like it. But I am learning there are probable a zillion others out there that are thinking the same way and there is just to much competition and I am lost in this sea. So I am really pondering what I want to do. There is so much for me to do..I am in learning mode so I tangent from beaded pieces, love silver and the Vintaj brass, would love to experiment with enameling, have experimented with acid etching and would love to do more of many ideas. But then I feel like I have the delima...does my work appear to be unfocused? Then there is the whole marketing thing. At this time in my life I cannot travel and do art shows. I have 3 little ones. Can an artist be successful just selling on-line? Sadly I have to sell some thing so I can keep buying and learning. And the journey goes on....Michelle Mahler


Lisa Crone said...

Hello! I just came across this blog on the ring surf. I normally just look through the bead artists who blog, but jumped on this one for a few minutes and saw your post. You are right, it's a dilemma. I wanted to let you know I came across the bead nerd's blog which has lots of helpful info for jewelry businesses. Just in case you haven't heard of her before, here you go and best of luck!

Tammy L Sexton said...

I am so glad that I am not the only one out there with the same issues. I was told by a veteran jewelry designer/maker, "Just hang in there. The ones that aren't serious will eventually go away." Ok, but when is that going to be?

Lisa, thanks for "beadnerd's" website.

Carrie said...

Just trust your instincts and be happy. Everything else will come by itself.

Anonymous said...

Just found your site from making an etsy purchase, and had to pop in here & tell you to please keep making your jewelry-it's fun & different! We're all in the same boat, trying to sell our passion, I keep telling myself it'll all be fine, and now I'm telling you the same:)


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